CapGlobalCarbon is the name of a new international citizen-led initiative for an upstream cap on carbon, an auction of permits, and return of the revenues back to everyone, globally. Visit the CapGlobalCarbon website to find out more, including how to affiliate your organization.


At COP-21, CapGlobalCarbon hosted an official side event in the Blue Zone at COP-21 titled:

“Climate Justice: Coal and Human Rights in the South, Community Choice Energy, Global Carbon Pricing”

Description: Affected communities are often forgotten in high-level talks on climate action. We highlight human rights impacts by the coal sector in the South, Community Choice Energy to speed a transition to renewables, and establish a Global Climate Trust to “CapGlobalCarbon” and return funds to people. Affected communities are often forgotten in high-level talks on climate action. We highlight human rights impacts by the coal sector in the South, Community Choice Energy to speed a transition to renewables, and establish a Global Climate Trust to “CapGlobalCarbon” and return funds to people. Co-sponsors were CapGlobalCarbon, DeJusticia, and Lean Energy US.

Representatives from CapGlobalCarbon networked with like-minded individuals and groups at COP-21 in Paris. Please contact through the form on their website to get in touch. See below for more commentary on the UN Conference in Paris December 2015.

December 2015 news:

Mike Sandler on Center for Climate Protection tumblr blog: “The Forks in the Road after the Paris Agreement”

Mike Sandler in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat: “The Paris climate agreement needs a cap”

Mike Sandler in The North Bay Bohemian’s Open Mic column “Report from Paris”

Members of the CapGlobalCarbon delegation have also posted comments following COP-21 on the FEASTA website.

Albert Bates on 12-3-15: Paris Scherzo

Mike Sandler in HuffPost Green 10-28-15: The Paris Agenda: Leave Fossil Fuels in the Ground, Auction Permits, Protect People

Laurence Matthews in Global Policy Journal 10-21-15: We need to get our Hands on a Climate Lever

Mike Sandler on Center for Climate Protection Tumblr blog 10-9-15: About the Big UN Climate Conference in Paris

Mike Sandler in HuffPost Green 10-5-15: What If Janet Yellen Joined Todd Stern in Paris?

Mike Sandler in HuffPost Green 9-24-15: Environmental NGOs: Be More Specific for Paris

Laurence Matthews in Responding to Climate Change (RTCC) 8-3-15: A simple proposal to keep fossil fuels in the ground

Mike Sandler in HuffPost Green 7-3-15: The Pope Calls for New Global Institution to Protect the Commons, Tackle Climate and Poverty

Brigette Knopf on Cleantechnica blog 6-23-15: Climate Change Is A Global Commons Problem: The New Papal Encyclical

John Jopling in OECD Insights blog 3-17-15: To cap global carbon, use a global licence scheme

Mike Sandler in HuffPost Green 12-1-14: For Paris 2015: A Climate Trust Not a Treaty


Mike Young at University of Adelaide, Australia: Climate Sharing: A powerful option

Tom Athanasiou of EcoEquity: Stories of the Future

Laurence Matthews in OECD Insights blog 4-30-16: The Other CCS

Notes related to UN Conferences


Can Carbon Share work at the international level?

A group of citizens in the UK, Ireland, and elsewhere are promoting Cap and Share, promoted by the Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability (FEASTA), and others. In Cap and Share, like Carbon Share, emission permits are distributed to all residents, who sell them to upstream fossil fuel companies, which are required to hold the Shares as permits for GHG emissions. The Cap and Share (and Carbon Share) concept may be scaled up to the international regime and could be discussed at the UN international climate conference in Copenhagen. 

A citizen’s initiative is beginning to look at how a Global Climate Trust could administer such a program. A big picture discussion is at Global Commons Trust. People around the world are coordinating to put together a Global Climate Trust, which could develop the rules to administer an international Cap and Share or Cap and Dividend program.

Any cap and trade program could be corrupted by lobbyists for special interests, so it will take a serious effort to motivate civil society to support it, but the concept has human rights and equality at its core, and can be combined with Contraction and Convergence to include China and India, and provides a better basis for international negotiation than the Kyoto Protocol.

China, India, and others are also looking at per capita equity approaches to allocating emissions rights. 

The per capita aspect of Carbon Share may be very important as a framework for a future international climate treaty. For more information, check out a per capita framework called Contraction & Convergence, developed by Aubrey Meyer of the Global Commons Institute. Here is a great graph that shows C&C in more detail.