Carbon Dividends on the agenda at the BIG Conference
Carbon dividends (a.k.a Shares) will be on the agenda at the BIG Conference sponsored by the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee (USBIG) at the Fort Mason Center for Arts &
Carbon dividends (a.k.a Shares) will be on the agenda at the BIG Conference sponsored by the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee (USBIG) at the Fort Mason Center for Arts &
Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) is the next frontier for reducing the environmental impacts of transportation choices. The problem with funding highways with a gas tax
Author’s note: This article was published on the Feasta.org website on May 26. 2021. A recent cyberattack briefly shut down the Colonial Pipeline, a pipeline carrying transportation fuels
Author’s note: This article was originally posted at Feasta.org on June 9, 2021. Soon after I posted an article about a cyberattack on an oil and gas
Author’s note: This was one of my first blogs on HuffPost, published 02/22/2009, soon after President Obama was inaugurated as President. After an historic Martin
ABOUT CAP AND TRADE: The state ‘caps’ total CO2 emissions and issues that number of emission permits annually. The number declines from year to year
Carbon Share U.S. Senator Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) re-released his “cap and dividend” bill Senate Bill 2352 , the “Healthy Climate and Family Security Act
Carbon dividends (a.k.a Shares) will be on the agenda at the BIG Conference sponsored by the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee (USBIG) at the Fort Mason Center for Arts &
The Commons Share Project grew out of an initial goal to encourage a carbon market that supports the public trust in the implementation of California’s AB32 with Cap and Share, and Cap and Dividend. It has been expanded to include other types of Shares, including Fuel Share, Water Share, Mile Share, Diet Share, and the newest addition, Flight Share.
Carbon dividends (a.k.a Shares) will be on the agenda at the BIG Conference sponsored by the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee (USBIG) at the Fort Mason Center for Arts &